Hope for Seattle: Conservative Solutions for American Communities in Crisis

Heritage Responds to "Seattle is Dying" Documentary

Seattle's KOMO News recently released a documentary on the epidemic of homelessness, drug abuse, and crime in Seattle.  The video launched a national conversation on homelessness - what contributes to it, what the responsibility of government is, and what can be done to help those who are impacted.

On June 27, Heritage is bringing together our best experts on poverty, community issues, and drug and criminal policy, along with local experts who have first-hand knowledge of the struggles communities like Seattle are experiencing - and the complete failure of socialist ideologies and progressive policies to address the crisis. Join us for a conversation about conservative solutions that can bring opportunity and prosperity to all people, especially those who need it most.  There is hope for Seattle.

Featuring a Discussion with:
Paul Guppy
Vice President for Research, Washington Policy Center
Paul Larkin
Senior Legal Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Officer Mike Solan
President, Council of Metropolitan Police and Sheriffs
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
Vice President, Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity, The Heritage Foundation
Moderated by:
Genevieve Wood
Senior Advisor and Spokesperson, The Heritage Foundation